Rare taste in the Schloss Wartegg

Devotion to plants. Looking at them in all their complexity and diversity. This is also what Matthias Thalmann does, who has been taking care of the park of Schloss Wartegg near Rorschacherberg in the immediate vicinity of Lake Constance for more than two decades. Around the magnificent property, he grows exclusively organic crops. In many cases, he even goes one step further and follows the Demeter philosophy. The world's oldest organic label is fully committed to so-called biodynamic agriculture.

"The idea behind Demeter is to maintain a closed organism," Thalmann explains, "which gives each farm its own individuality." That means no bought-in fertilizer and appropriate animals on the farm to match the crop. The Demeter label requirements are demanding, he says, but worth it. Thalmann says that 100 percent self-sufficiency is not a goal, but that there are plenty of specialties and time-tested varieties growing in the castle garden that guests can also experience on their plates. More flavor, more freshness, more regionality - so the already well thought-out garden of Wartegg Castle is joined by a diverse range of herbs, cut flowers and vegetables.

With great attention to detail, Thalmann and his team produce the Demeter preparations themselves, from special manure for plant germination to pebbles that promote ripening quality. At the same time, they always keep an eye on the big picture. So it happens that seeds are sometimes sown according to certain natural rhythms: "We've already done experiments and found that sowing just before the full moon works very well," says Thalmann, adding: "But sometimes it just takes intuition. Then I just think to myself that today is a particularly good day for sowing."

Matthias Thalmann on his relationship with the garden

A strong team of gardeners in the Schloss Wartegg
A strong team of gardeners in the Schloss Wartegg
Demeter garden Schloss Wartegg
Demeter garden
Castle Bees
Castle Bees

In the chateau park you will meet flora and fauna and quite certainly someone from the gardening team at work.