At Grandhotel Giessbach, which is located at the impressive waterfalls on Lake Brienz that give it its name, the in-house production is really lived. The herb cultivation as well as the historic vegetable garden are the source for all kinds of creative cuisine. Already in 1897 the cultivation of edibles was mentioned on plans. Today, the former self-sufficiency garden is being rediscovered and used to grow all kinds of things for one's own kitchen. Back to the roots, in the truest sense of the word.
Gardeners and cooks complement each other in the process: Ideas for menus emerge depending on what is in season and what the garden can supply. From spring cabbage to tomatoes and cucumbers to intense herbs such as pineapple sage or fragrant nettles.
But also fruits like quinces, strawberries and currants grow on the own property. But that's not all, because the hotel also relies as much as possible on local produce. The fish comes from the adjacent lake, honey comes from the hotel's own beekeeping.